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Airplane Travel Tips for Long Flights

Air travel can be an unpleasant experience if any unwanted incidents occur. Whether you have flown before or are preparing for your first flight, the tips below will make your journey easier.

Air travel is faster and safer. If you are flying, keep track of your documents and money, take care of health insurance and a green certificate, and don't forget to buy spare medical masks. Check the entry regulations for the country you are leaving as they may change depending on the evolution of the coronavirus pandemic.

Don't forget a packet of menthol gum, very useful if you get motion sick during takeoff and landing. Activate roaming in advance, check the weather forecast at your destination, bring suitable clothing, but leave room in your luggage for souvenirs. Of course, everyone knows this, but there are a few details that not all of you think about when preparing for a plane trip.

Avoid metal buckles and heavy jewelry

At checkpoints, any massive metal object will get you in trouble. Avoid belts with large buckles or shoes with metal details, heavy jewelry, whalebone bras, and metal clips.

Hand luggage

Cosmetics and liquids are only allowed in hand luggage. Only small bottles are allowed, preferably specially designed for air travel, in airtight bags. It is better to bring a change of clothes with you, at least a complete set, a small towel, a thicker bathrobe and underwear. If your hand luggage gets lost, you'll be happy to have a change of clothes until you get it back.

Passport expiration date

Check in advance how long your passport is valid. In some countries, it must be valid for at least another six months after entry. Check all the requirements and rules that the country in which you are vacationing imposes on tourists, and take care of your documents.

When to check in luggage in the luggage compartment?

It is best to check in online from home and check in your hand luggage after most travelers check in their luggage. This way, your bags will be among the last to be put into the hold, but at the destination they will be one of the first to be unloaded and reach the baggage carousel faster.

Charge your phone and laptop before boarding the plane

Use the sockets in the lounges and charge your phone, tablet or laptop before you are called to board. It is not known how often you will use them during the flight, so it is better to have charged batteries, especially if the flight lasts at least three to four hours.

Buy quality headphones

Don't forget headphones for your phone or tablet, but buy one that blocks out ambient noise. If you want to relax on the plane, and not listen to other people's conversations or the screams of small children. High-quality headphones will save you from external noise.

Avoid airplane food

If you know you have stomach problems and feel sick when planting, it's best to avoid salty sandwiches and peanut butter, as well as alcohol, which causes bloating. Ask for water, coffee, or lemonade—any simple, refreshing drink to keep you hydrated. And use chewing gum when you land to ease the uncomfortable feeling of dizziness and nausea.

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