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Where and when is the best time to buy tickets?

Going on a trip, on a business trip or visiting relatives by plane, you always want to buy a ticket at a bargain price. But not everyone knows how and where to do it. And they often make mistakes. And if not a single person flies, but the whole family, then all the more, you can save a lot if you know some secrets. We will tell you about them.

Where is the best place to buy air tickets?

For some reason, many people think that the cheapest way is to buy tickets at the airport ticket office or from a tour operator. But this is far from true. Also, airlines are not interested in selling tickets quickly, so they are expensive there. You will also have to pay extra for the work of the operator (just because she will select a convenient option).

The cheapest way to buy tickets is online. Just enter a query into the search bar and you will be prompted by several search engines that compare offers and prices from different sites, showing the fastest and cheapest flights. Then you will only need to go to the site, fill in the required information and purchase tickets. All this can be done on your own.

You can also buy cheap tickets on airline apps. Here you can order additional services, if they are needed, arrange insurance.

When is the best time to buy tickets? You may have already noticed that the price for the same flight is constantly changing. 

What does it depend on?

  • Times of Day. At night, there are fewer visitors to websites and applications, there is less demand, so prices are reduced. But during the day and in the evening they rise. Therefore, if you want to save money, buy tickets at night or early in the morning. You will have to sacrifice your sleep, but you will save money.
  • Time to departure. As a rule, the more time before departure, the cheaper the tickets. Before departure, tickets become more expensive. It is extremely rare for airlines to sell the remaining tickets cheaper, so you should not rely on it too much.
  • Day of the week. Do not visit sites on weekends and holidays. At this time, demand is high, which means that tickets are more expensive. Let the hype subside, and you can safely buy tickets at a lower price.

Travel Tips

It is worth giving novice travelers a few more tips that will help save money:

  • Select the day of the week. If you want to save on tickets, then fly during the week: on Monday, Wednesday or Thursday. There are fewer flights on these days of the week, so tickets are cheaper. In addition, few people want to fly at night. And if you are ready to fly at night, you can save a lot.
  • Cleaning the cache. Clear your cache before visiting the airline's website. Otherwise, every time the sites will offer you the same thing. The information will not be updated, and you will miss the appearance of new discounts.
  • Round trip tickets. The airline can give you a discount if you buy round trip tickets at once.
  • Transplant. Those who want to fly to their destination with comfort and without transfers pay more. But the prices for flights with transfers are less. Therefore, if you choose a flight with a transfer, you will save.

However, it is worth noting that if you fly to the resort at the height of the season or on holidays (May, January), you are unlikely to be able to save money. At this time, flying by plane is very expensive.