Přímé lety z Ben Gurion International Airport

Přímé lety do 120 destinací provozované 65 leteckými společnostmi.
Ben Gurion International Airport
1, Ekonomická
1, Ekonomická
Hledat lety

Destinace a přímé lety z Ben Gurion International Airport (Tel Aviv)

Tel Aviv (TLV) is the largest airport in Israel. S průměrem 6-10 denních odletů je trasa z Ben Gurion International Airport do Mezinárodní letiště Dubaj (DXB) nejrušnější trasou a nabízí cestujícím dostatek flexibility. Pokud jste připraveni na delší let, můžete zvážit cestu Boeing 777 do San Francisco International Airport (SFO), která trvá přibližně 15h 5m. Ať už cestujete z důvodu práce nebo zábavy, Ben Gurion International Airport vám nabízí širokou škálu letových možností.

Největší letecké společnosti odletající z Ben Gurion International Airport

Časté cestovatelské programy nabízené několika leteckými společnostmi odletajícími z Ben Gurion International Airport:
El Al
Turkish Airlines
Wizz Air

Informace o letišti

Název letiště Ben Gurion International Airport
IATA kód letiště TLV
Město Tel Aviv
Země Israel (IL)
Úplná adresa Ben Gurion International Airport
Zeměpisná šířka 32.005532
Zeměpisná délka 34.885411
Webová stránka Iaa.gov.il
Zobrazit na mapě Google maps
Ben Gurion International Airport
Ben Gurion International Airport
Ben Gurion International Airport
Ben Gurion International Airport
Ben Gurion International Airport
Ben Gurion International Airport

Ben Gurion International Airport

Ben Gurion International Airport

Situated near Lod, Ben Gurion International Airport is Israel's primary international airport and operated by Israel Airports Authority. As one of the two busiest in terms of passenger traffic worldwide, Ben Gurion serves mostly international routes.

At the airport there are two terminals - Terminal 1 and Terminal 3. Most domestic and low-cost European flights leave from Terminal 3, whilst all international flights depart from Terminal 1. A free shuttle bus runs every 15 minutes during operational hours between them both.

Shops and Facilities Ben Gurion International Airport boasts an impressive selection of duty free goods, including some Israeli brands. Additionally, there is a host of restaurants, cafes and bars serving an assortment of meals and snacks.

VIP Lounges

There are several VIP lounges at the airport available to Business and First Class passengers, such as El Al's King David lounge or other airlines' VIP Lounges.

Ben Gurion International Airport offers most airlines the ability to enable online checkin, saving passengers valuable time at the airport. However, for specific details it is wise to visit each airline website directly.

Train to the Airport

Ben Gurion International Airport's railway station, managed by Israel Railways and located on Level G of Terminal 3, offers passengers a quick way to travel between Tel Aviv, Haifa, and other North or South regions via train.

How to Get From Ben Gurion International Airport to Tel Aviv Center

How to Travel From Ben Gurion International Airport to Tel Aviv City Center There are numerous transport options for making the journey between the airport and Tel Aviv's center, such as trains, shuttle buses and taxi services. These convenient means are all effective ways of reaching Tel Aviv from Ben Gurion Airport.

Option 2 is renting a car for your stay. While renting is more costly than other modes, its convenience and flexibility could make up for any additional costs involved.

Taxis from Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion airport to Tel Aviv are available 24 hours a day and cost between 110-190 shekels ($26-50). Prices may fluctuate according to time and day, so it's advisable to determine your budget in advance.

Egged operates public bus lines from the airport to the city center several times daily. Though slower than trains, these buses are still convenient and cost-effective solutions.

Train travel from Tel Aviv International Airport will take approximately 18 minutes, making it one of the most preferred modes of transport and one of the quickest, cheapest, safest options.

Shared taxis (sheruts) from the airport to the city center can be an economical and time-efficient means of travel; however, for large groups traveling together it may be more suitable to reserve a private shuttle or another form of transport.

Airport shuttles offer another convenient means of travel from Tel Aviv Airport, running every hour at the top of each hour. These air-conditioned buses feature English speaking drivers.

No matter your travel method from the airport to Tel Aviv, there are a few key points you need to keep in mind in order to make your journey as painless as possible. First and foremost, check if the airline provides free services or discounts at the airport for its passengers.

Be ready to provide answers about your Israel itinerary, length of stay, who you're traveling with and destination during security checks at Israel airports - they employ some of the world's stringent security standards and you may be asked numerous questions during your journey.

Security personnel are on hand to make your experience as relaxing as possible, but you should still be mindful that your luggage could be searched at any time, particularly if there is any contraband in your possession.

At airport departure time, you will have to pass through passport control. Here, you may encounter unexpectedly lengthy questioning sessions or be taken aside for additional questioning in a separate area. Furthermore, as part of this screening process you may even be required to empty out your luggage of its contents as part of screening processes.

Ben Gurion International Airport Amenities & Services

Ben Gurion International Airport offers numerous amenities and services designed to make your experience at Ben Gurion more pleasant, from airport lounges and 24-hour food options, parking services, hotel amenities and parking rates - there's something here for everyone!

Premium and Pay-To-Stay Lounges

Looking to unwind before or during your flight? Airport lounges provide relaxing environments where you can catch up with work, relax or simply kill time until your departure - some offer premium and pay-to-stay services, while others may even be free for use.

Dan Lounge (Concourse B)

If you are a frequent flyer on full-service airlines, consider visiting Tel Aviv airport's Dan Lounge as it serves all major airlines and welcomes members of various lounge access schemes. Its two locations serve the entire region.

King David Business Class Lounge (Concourse D)

Tel Aviv airport's King David business lounge provides premium or business class travelers a welcoming, relaxing space before their flight, offering drinks, Wi-Fi access, showers and spa services among other amenities to help keep passengers calm before embarking on their next journey.

Transfer Services & Public Transport

Transport options to and from the city center can easily be reached, including public buses, minibuses and private taxis. Trains also provide convenient travel access - you can catch a free shuttle bus between Terminal 3 and the train station! Licensed taxis are always available 24 hours a day with dispatchers located at both Terminals 1 and 3 to assist you in hiring one.

Často kladené otázky (FAQ)

Kolik je letišť poblíž Tel Aviv?

Kolik je letišť poblíž Tel Aviv? 

Jaké je nejlepší letiště pro odlet z Tel Aviv?

Ben Gurion International Airport (TLV) je považováno za nejpohodlnější letiště pro odlety z Tel Aviv.

Které letecké společnosti provozují lety z letiště Ben Gurion International Airport?

Z letiště Ben Gurion International Airport létá 65 leteckých společností, nejpopulárnější jsou: El Al, Turkish Airlines, Wizz Air, Ryanair, Pegasu

Jaký je nejdelší let z letiště Ben Gurion International Airport?

Nejdelší trvání letu z letiště Ben Gurion International Airport je na trase do San Francisco International Airport (SFO), která trvá přibližně 15h 5m a provozuje ji letadlo Boeing 777

Jaký je IATA kód letiště Ben Gurion International Airport?

Ben Gurion International Airport používá IATA kód: TLV

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Mým preferovaným webem pro porovnávání nabídek letů je Europefly. Často jsou ceny dostupné na této platformě nižší než na webových stránkách leteckých společností.



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Ceny nabízené Europefly jsou výjimečně konkurenceschopné a poskytují další možnosti, které nejsou dostupné na mnoha jiných webových stránkách. Díky tomu jsem byla schopna ušetřit značnou část peněz.



Europefly poskytuje rychlou a efektivní službu, která nám umožňuje rychle porovnat ceny letů a snadno si zarezervovat lístky. Dostupnost letů je také zobrazena, což je velmi výhodné. Celkově je tato platforma užitečná a uživatelsky přívětivá.



Měla jsem vynikající zkušenost s používáním této platformy k nalezení nejlepšího letu, který nabízel perfektní vyvážení ceny a doby cestování. Stala se mým preferovaným webem pro hledání letenek.



V minulosti jsem používal(a) Europefly a vždy to byla bezproblémová a efektivní zkušenost. Plánuji pokračovat v používání této platformy pro budoucí rezervace.



Byla jsem spokojená s výsledkem mého vyhledávání letu a našla jsem rozumnou cenu prostřednictvím této platformy. Pravidelně používám tuto stránku k rezervaci svých mezinárodních letů.