Přímé (bez mezipřistání) lety z Shannon Airport

5 letecké společnosti nabízejí přímé lety do 29 destinací.
Shannon Airport
1, Ekonomická
1, Ekonomická
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Destinace a přímé lety z Shannon Airport (Shannon)

Shannon (SNN) is the third largest airport in Ireland. Nejvyšší počet denních odletů z Shannon Airport je zaznamenán na trase do Londýnské letiště Heathrow (LHR) s průměrem 2-3 letů každý den. Kromě toho mohou cestující zažít nejdelší dostupný let z Shannon Airport na palubě letadla A321neo do John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK), který trvá přibližně 7h 30m.

Oblíbené letecké společnosti odletající z Shannon Airport

Časté cestovatelské programy nabízené několika leteckými společnostmi odletajícími z Shannon Airport:
Aer Lingus
United Airlines

Informace o letišti

Název letiště Shannon Airport
IATA kód letiště SNN
Město Shannon
Země Ireland (IE)
Úplná adresa Shannon Airport
Zeměpisná šířka 52.699657
Zeměpisná délka -8.914691
Webová stránka Shannonairport.ie
Zobrazit na mapě Google maps
Shannon Airport
Shannon Airport
Shannon Airport
Shannon Airport
Shannon Airport
Shannon Airport

General Information About Shannon Airport

General information Ireland's westerly airport, Shannon is an integral component of business and tourism in Ireland's Mid-West region, serving the local population 365 days annually with one of Europe's best records for weather-related closures due to snow or ice events.

Shannon Airport is located in Shannon, County Clare. Limerick, Ennis and Galway can all be easily accessed.

Established in 1930, Shannon Airport is now Ireland's third busiest airport with over 1.5 million annual passengers passing through. It serves as an important hub for many European carriers and boasts strong US connections.

Shannon Airport has long been one of the world's premier aviation hubs, serving as both an end point for transatlantic flights and as a test bed for commercial aircraft. In 1947, Irish government established its inaugural Customs Free Zone around Shannon's airport - including opening the world's inaugural Duty Free shop there as well.

Ireland enjoys a temperate Marine climate (Koppen climate classification Cfb), with moderately cool summers and relatively warm winters marked by southerly winds from the Atlantic Ocean.

Shannon rarely experiences weather-related delays in its operations, with very few instances of snow or ice buildup and few crosswinds necessitating de-icing from late November through early February.

Flights out of Shannon usually offer direct and non-stop routes to several popular European and US airports, including Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted, Newark and JFK - with some notable exceptions such as Paris or Toronto.

How to Get From Shannon Airport to Shannon Center

When traveling from Shannon Airport to Shannon center, there are various transportation methods available to you. Public transit, car rental services or combining them all may all work depending on your individual needs and time constraints.

Bus Eireann provides an airport shuttle service connecting Ennis, Galway and Limerick at an affordable cost, taking approximately 30 minutes each way. Expressway also offers luxurious coach travel experiences equipped with reclining leather seats, air conditioning, charging sockets for devices as well as 4G WiFi!

Shannon Station and Sixmilebridge train stations are within an easy half mile walk of Dublin airport terminal building, providing quick and simple connections for travel throughout Ireland.

There are numerous hotels near Shannon Airport that can provide an ideal place for you to rest your head before or after your flight. One such option is Best Western Hotel Shannon Airport, offering rooms from single to family.

Shannon Springs Hotel is an ideal option for those searching for modern accommodations with numerous facilities close to the airport, offering 54 spacious rooms that can be booked starting at EUR59 per night.

For something livelier, Shannon offers Evolution Nightclub which boasts modern interior and hosts some of the biggest DJs from across the nation.

Zest Bistro in Shannon offers delicious Indian and Asian-fusion cuisine at reasonable prices, perfect if you're on a tight budget. Here, quality meals come at an excellent value.

One of the top attractions near Shannon is Bunratty Castle and Folk Park, only 18 miles away from town. Make time for a visit this 15th-century castle when touring Ireland by renting a car!

While in County Clare, why not explore some of its stunning sights? The Cliffs of Moher and Burren Coast should both be on any Irish tourist's bucket list as must-sees for natural wonders and breathtaking scenery.

Make sure to allow plenty of time to explore Ennis, just 15 miles away from Shannon Airport. This charming and historic town features plenty of shops, restaurants and pubs that will keep you occupied for a memorable visit.

If you're travelling with children, the airport offers children's play areas on level 1 which feature educational games and toys as well as comfortable seating areas to help your entire family unwind before or after flights. These play spaces can help everyone relax before and after your flights.

Shannon Airport Amenities & Services

No matter if you're arriving, departing or simply passing through Shannon Airport, we have provided some useful information on things to see and do at the terminal.

Free WiFi & Internet Access: Passengers can take advantage of free Internet access in airport terminals located both airside and landside, with computer stations located in departure lounges, near WH Smith stores and in arrivals halls.

Dining: Shannon Airport features numerous dining options for every palate ranging from pub grub to traditional Irish fare, or simply grab a drink at one of their bars in the main departure area.

Currency Exchange: At the airport, four ICE facilities are available, including shops in both Arrivals hall and Departures lounge. Furthermore, currency exchange services can also be found at Landside WH Smith branch from 5:00am-1am every day of operation.

Shopping: Shannon Airport boasts several shops selling products and souvenirs of various varieties, as well as being home to the first Duty Free store ever established in 1947 - this groundbreaking initiative gave birth to an airport retail industry which now rakes in billions worldwide.

Executive and VIP Lounges at Shannon Airport: For passengers travelling in comfort and style, Shannon Airport has several lounges to suit every travel need. The Burren Lounge welcomes non-US destinations during summer (up until 16th October each year) from 6 am to 1:00 pm daily while during winter (17th October onwards), its Boru Lounge opens its doors between 6:00am and 7:00pm daily - except on Saturdays!

Často kladené otázky (FAQ)

Kolik je letišť poblíž Shannon?

Kolik je letišť poblíž Shannon? 

Jaké je nejlepší letiště pro odlet z Shannon?

Při odletu z Shannon bude nejoptimálnější volbou letiště Shannon Airport (SNN) díky své výhodné poloze a dostupnosti.

Které letecké společnosti provozují lety z letiště Shannon Airport?

Z letiště Shannon Airport létá 5 leteckých společností, nejpopulárnější jsou: Ryanair, Aer Lingus, United Airlines, Vueling, Region-Avi

Jaký je nejdelší let z letiště Shannon Airport?

Pokud letíte z Shannon do John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK), strávíte ve vzduchu přibližně 7h 30m na palubě letadla A321neo. To je nejdelší doba, kterou strávíte ve vzduchu z letiště Shannon Airport.

Jaký je IATA kód letiště Shannon Airport?

Shannon Airport používá IATA kód: SNN

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Europefly poskytuje rychlou a efektivní službu, která nám umožňuje rychle porovnat ceny letů a snadno si zarezervovat lístky. Dostupnost letů je také zobrazena, což je velmi výhodné. Celkově je tato platforma užitečná a uživatelsky přívětivá.



Měla jsem vynikající zkušenost s používáním této platformy k nalezení nejlepšího letu, který nabízel perfektní vyvážení ceny a doby cestování. Stala se mým preferovaným webem pro hledání letenek.



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