Přímé lety z Tromsø Airport Langnes

Přímé lety do 26 destinací provozované 13 leteckými společnostmi.
Tromsø Airport Langnes
1, Ekonomická
1, Ekonomická
Hledat lety

Destinace a přímé lety z Tromsø Airport Langnes (Tromsø)

Tromso (TOS) is a mid-sized airport in Norway. S průměrem 6-15 denních odletů je trasa z Tromsø Airport Langnes do Letiště Oslo Gardermoen (OSL) nejrušnější trasou a nabízí cestujícím dostatek flexibility. Pokud jste připraveni na delší let, můžete zvážit cestu Boeing 737-800 (winglets) Passenger/BBJ2 do London Gatwick Airport (LGW), která trvá přibližně 3h 55m. Ať už cestujete z důvodu práce nebo zábavy, Tromsø Airport Langnes vám nabízí širokou škálu letových možností.

Největší letecké společnosti odletající z Tromsø Airport Langnes

Časté cestovatelské programy nabízené několika leteckými společnostmi odletajícími z Tromsø Airport Langnes:
Norwegian Air Shuttle
Danish Air
Syphax Airlines

Informace o letišti

Název letiště Tromsø Airport Langnes
IATA kód letiště TOS
Město Tromsø
Země Norway (NO)
Úplná adresa Tromsø Airport Langnes
Zeměpisná šířka 69.681935
Zeměpisná délka 18.916264
Webová stránka Avinor.no
Zobrazit na mapě Google maps
Tromsø Airport Langnes
Tromsø Airport Langnes
Tromsø Airport Langnes
Tromsø Airport Langnes
Tromsø Airport Langnes
Tromsø Airport Langnes

Tromso Airport Langnes, Norway

Tromso Airport Langnes (IATA: TOS, ICAO: ENTC) is the primary airport serving Northern Norway. Situated on the western side of Tromsoya island and 1.7 nautical miles (3.1 km) northwest from Tromso city centre.

At Orlando Airport there are two terminals - Terminal B was established in 1977 while the newer Terminal A opened in 1997. Jetliners utilize only Terminal A while regional airlines use both.

Weather at Tromso Airport Langnes remains relatively constant year-round, ranging from an average temperature of 55 degF in July to 22 degF in January.

Wind speeds tend to be moderate, averaging 8.4 miles per hour in winter and 6.7 in summer respectively. Peak windspeed occurs around midnight while lowest levels occur later on in the afternoon.

Cloud Cover at Tromso Airport Langnes can vary throughout the year, with April 17 - September 29 being an especially clear period with 42% of sky clear or mostly clear/partly cloudy at any one time.

Rainfall at Tromso Airport Langnes fluctuates significantly throughout the year, with October seeing the greatest amount of precipitation and March receiving the least amount of rain. Wet days range from 60% in August to 25% in December.

Polar Day and Night Tromso Airport Langnes experiences Polar Day during summer and Night during winter due to its extreme latitude, with start and end dates of this phenomenon differing year to year depending on observer's location, elevation and topography of local landscape.

How to Get From Tromso Airport Langnes to Tromso Center

Once you land at Tromso airport, there are various means of reaching the city centre. One option is the airport bus; purchase tickets either at the Point kiosk in the arrival hall for 35 NOK (3,5 EUR) or directly from your driver for 60 NOK (5,5 EUR).

The Flybussen is a direct public transportation route between Oslo Airport and the city centre, making stops at several hotels in the center, the University, and University Hospital along its route. Travel time typically takes 10-15 minutes and tickets cost 110 NOK (10 EUR) one way and 160 NOK (16,5 EUR) two way.

Option Two is to take a taxi - there are numerous taxi stands just outside the arrival hall offering taxi fares at 150 NOK (16,5 EUR). Taxis take 10 minutes and cost 150 NOK (16,5 EUR).

Travel Insurance - Traveling can be costly, so protecting yourself against unexpected events like medical assistance, flight delays or cancellations with travel insurance is crucial.

RVs and Campers - Renting an RV or camper is an ideal way to experience Northern Norway countryside, providing maximum freedom to craft your own journey and explore nature and culture in Norway.

Tromso Airport Langnes Amenities & Services

Tromso Airport Langnes Amenities & Services Tromso Airport Langnes offers many amenities to make the passenger experience truly enjoyable, including services for children, food and beverages, as well as various shops.

Free WiFi - The airport provides complimentary Wi-Fi both airside and landside. Sessions of two hours can be found throughout its terminal building for ease of access.

ATMs / Cash Machines - The airport features numerous ATMs that accept both Norwegian Kroner and Euro, but fees may apply.

Luggage Storage - For travellers requiring extra room for their bags, the airport offers luggage storage services.

Parking & Car Rentals - The airport also provides parking services to travellers needing extra room to store their vehicle before or after their flight.

Taxis - The airport features taxi stands that provide rides to and from the city centre, taking approximately 10 minutes at an estimated cost of 150 NOK per trip.

Amenities for Children - The airport offers several children's play areas that are open at certain times throughout the day and baby changing facilities, in addition to several play spaces specifically tailored for young ones.

Shops & Dining

The airport features five eateries and several small shops; please note that some may only open during certain times; to plan ahead, please book meals.

Money Exchange - The airport features several Travelex locations offering currency exchange services.

There are numerous restaurants and cafes within the airport, including one located within Terminal 1. Some of these eateries are open 24 hours, so make sure to stop in before heading towards your departure gate for a bite to eat.

Často kladené otázky (FAQ)

Kolik je letišť blízko Tromsø?

1 letišť poblíž Tromsø:

Jaké je nejlepší letiště pro odlet z Tromsø?

Při odletu z Tromsø bude nejoptimálnější volbou letiště Tromsø Airport Langnes (TOS) díky své výhodné poloze a dostupnosti.

Které letecké společnosti provozují lety z letiště Tromsø Airport Langnes?

Z letiště Tromsø Airport Langnes létá 13 leteckých společností, nejpopulárnější jsou: Wideroe, Norwegian Air Shuttle, SAS, Danish Air, Syphax Airline

Jaký je nejdelší let z letiště Tromsø Airport Langnes?

Nejdelší trvání letu z letiště Tromsø Airport Langnes je na trase do London Gatwick Airport (LGW), která trvá přibližně 3h 55m a provozuje ji letadlo Boeing 737-800 (winglets) Passenger/BBJ2

Jaký je IATA kód pro letiště Tromsø Airport Langnes?

Tromsø Airport Langnes používá IATA kód: TOS

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Europefly poskytuje rychlou a efektivní službu, která nám umožňuje rychle porovnat ceny letů a snadno si zarezervovat lístky. Dostupnost letů je také zobrazena, což je velmi výhodné. Celkově je tato platforma užitečná a uživatelsky přívětivá.



Měla jsem vynikající zkušenost s používáním této platformy k nalezení nejlepšího letu, který nabízel perfektní vyvážení ceny a doby cestování. Stala se mým preferovaným webem pro hledání letenek.



V minulosti jsem používal(a) Europefly a vždy to byla bezproblémová a efektivní zkušenost. Plánuji pokračovat v používání této platformy pro budoucí rezervace.



Byla jsem spokojená s výsledkem mého vyhledávání letu a našla jsem rozumnou cenu prostřednictvím této platformy. Pravidelně používám tuto stránku k rezervaci svých mezinárodních letů.