Přímé lety z Warsaw Chopin Airport

Přímé lety do 131 destinací provozované 27 leteckými společnostmi.
Warsaw Chopin Airport
1, Ekonomická
1, Ekonomická
Hledat lety

Destinace a přímé lety z Warsaw Chopin Airport (Warsaw)

Okecie (WAW) is the largest airport in Poland and is based in Warsaw. S průměrem 5-7 denních odletů je trasa z Warsaw Chopin Airport do Mezinárodní letiště Jana Pavla II. Krakov-Balice (KRK) nejrušnější trasou a nabízí cestujícím dostatek flexibility. Pokud jste připraveni na delší let, můžete zvážit cestu Boeing 787-8 do Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), která trvá přibližně 12h 25m. Ať už cestujete z důvodu práce nebo zábavy, Warsaw Chopin Airport vám nabízí širokou škálu letových možností.

Oblíbené letecké společnosti odletající z Warsaw Chopin Airport

Časté cestovatelské programy nabízené několika leteckými společnostmi odletajícími z Warsaw Chopin Airport:
LOT - Polish Airlines
Wizz Air

Informace o letišti

Název letiště Warsaw Chopin Airport
IATA kód letiště WAW
Město Warsaw
Země Poland (PL)
Úplná adresa Warsaw Chopin Airport
Zeměpisná šířka 52.185327
Zeměpisná délka 20.963600
Webová stránka Lotnisko-chopina.pl
Zobrazit na mapě Google maps
Warsaw Chopin Airport
Warsaw Chopin Airport
Warsaw Chopin Airport
Warsaw Chopin Airport
Warsaw Chopin Airport
Warsaw Chopin Airport

Warsaw Chopin Airport

Warsaw Chopin Airport

Warsaw Chopin Airport serves Warsaw and Poland. As the primary hub of LOT Polish Airlines, this airport provides access to numerous domestic and international destinations.

The airport lies approximately 10 kilometers south of Warsaw's city center, and offers various train and bus connections into downtown Warsaw.

Warsaw Chopin Airport provides unlimited free Wi-Fi throughout all terminals and concourses at no cost, no registration being necessary; lasting for two hours before it must be reconnected immediately.

ATMs/Cash Machines: Warsaw Chopin Airport offers several banks, such as Planet Cash and Bank Pekao. There may be fees applicable when using these cash machines.

Travel Insurance:

Travel insurance is an essential part of any European holiday and should never be neglected when planning your journey. It provides protection from unexpected expenses such as flight delays, cancellations and overbookings that might arise during your journey.

Renting a Car:

Hiring a car is the easiest and most convenient way to explore Warsaw and its environs, with Alamo, Budget, Europcar and SIXT available as car hire companies at Warsaw's airport.


There are multiple taxi companies at the airport with an average fare from there to the city center costing about 40 PLN. Alternatively, use the rail connection which takes 20 minutes; in addition, many bus lines connect directly with it.

How to Get From Warsaw Chopin Airport to Warsaw Center

If you need to get from Warsaw Chopin Airport to Warsaw center, there are various transportation options available to you: renting a car, using public transit or even taking advantage of private transfer services.

Car rentals provide an ideal means of exploring Warsaw and its environs without being dependent on taxis. Most major rental companies have offices at Warsaw Airport; by pre-reserving online, you can ensure your car will be ready when you arrive.

Buses are another economical and time-saving way to travel from Warsaw Airport to central Warsaw, especially if your budget or traveling time requirements require it. Five public bus routes run between these two points - 175, 188 and N32 are especially helpful options.

Tickets machines are located both at the airport and on buses in Warsaw, offering single trip (75 minutes) or 24-hour tickets that cost 15 PLN for use across all bus and tram services in Warsaw on their purchase date and can be used in any direction within Warsaw.

There are also trains connecting the airport with the city centre, run by SKM line S2 and KM line RL of which depart every 30 minutes and can be caught at Warszawa Lotnisko Chopina underground station, easily accessed through Terminal A.

Trains offer fast and effortless travel from airport to city; luggage transportation is often free! Additionally, bus or train stations may offer special airport-to-city tickets that will further reduce cost.

Taxis can be an ideal way to transport you from Warsaw Airport into downtown, though be wary to ensure the driver displays his or her license and has the proper credentials. Travel time may range between 20-40 minutes; depending on traffic.

Chauffeured transfers offer the ideal way to transport you from Warsaw Chopin Airport into the city centre without the stress of public transport. Your name will be clearly displayed on an iPad at the airport so your driver can find you quickly, and then you'll be taken in an air-conditioned minivan straight to your desired location.

An expert chauffeur-driven vehicle is an ideal solution for groups of friends or families wishing to explore multiple locations during their visit to Poland. A chauffeur will ensure the comfort, safety and peace of mind necessary for an enjoyable journey together.

If traveling with a large group to Warsaw, consider booking a chauffeur-driven vehicle for the entire duration of your journey. This will give you freedom and comfort as you explore everything Warsaw has to offer.

If you are considering booking a chauffeured transfer, contact us immediately. We can assist with selecting the appropriate vehicle to meet your specific needs as well as arrange for an appropriate date and time for your transfer.

Warsaw Chopin Airport Amenities & Services

Travelers will find plenty of amenities and services at Warsaw Chopin Airport, Poland's main airport. As one of Poland's gateways, this important facility has welcomed millions of passengers annually.

At this airport, there is one integrated terminal known as Terminal A with five sections each featuring different numbers of check-in areas containing passenger gates. Formerly there were two individual terminals named Terminal 1 and 2, however these have now been combined into Terminal A.

At Warsaw Airport there are various methods of travel available, such as taxi cabs and buses. Taxis can be found just outside the arrivals hall while buses run regularly to downtown Warsaw and Wilanowska Metro Station.

Hotel shuttles can also provide travelers with an easier option for transportation than hailing cabs; some may even be available on demand and save a considerable amount of time.

Parking at the Airport

A convenient short and long-term parking facility can be found at the airport, providing short or long-term solutions accessible both by foot or car and open 24 hours a day.

Finnair passengers can also make use of new self-service kiosks to print their boarding pass and bag tags without waiting in line at baggage check-in counters, saving time and easing stress throughout their journey. These exclusive kiosks allow Finnair passengers to save both time and reduce stress on their journeys.

Baby Care Facilities The airport features baby care rooms, pushchairs, children's play areas and shops offering products tailored specifically towards babies. Furthermore, it provides baby seats as well as assistance to unaccompanied children.

Často kladené otázky (FAQ)

Kolik je letišť poblíž Warsaw?

Kolik je letišť poblíž Warsaw? 

Jaké je nejlepší letiště pro odlet z Warsaw?

Warsaw Chopin Airport (WAW) je považováno za nejpohodlnější letiště pro odlety z Warsaw.

Které letecké společnosti provozují lety z letiště Warsaw Chopin Airport?

Z letiště Warsaw Chopin Airport létá 27 leteckých společností, nejpopulárnější jsou: LOT - Polish Airlines, Wizz Air, Lufthansa, Finnair, Austria

Jaký je nejdelší let z letiště Warsaw Chopin Airport?

Nejdelší trvání letu z letiště Warsaw Chopin Airport je na trase do Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), která trvá přibližně 12h 25m a provozuje ji letadlo Boeing 787-8

Jaký je IATA kód pro letiště Warsaw Chopin Airport?

Warsaw Chopin Airport používá IATA kód: WAW

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Mým preferovaným webem pro porovnávání nabídek letů je Europefly. Často jsou ceny dostupné na této platformě nižší než na webových stránkách leteckých společností.



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Ceny nabízené Europefly jsou výjimečně konkurenceschopné a poskytují další možnosti, které nejsou dostupné na mnoha jiných webových stránkách. Díky tomu jsem byla schopna ušetřit značnou část peněz.



Europefly poskytuje rychlou a efektivní službu, která nám umožňuje rychle porovnat ceny letů a snadno si zarezervovat lístky. Dostupnost letů je také zobrazena, což je velmi výhodné. Celkově je tato platforma užitečná a uživatelsky přívětivá.



Měla jsem vynikající zkušenost s používáním této platformy k nalezení nejlepšího letu, který nabízel perfektní vyvážení ceny a doby cestování. Stala se mým preferovaným webem pro hledání letenek.



V minulosti jsem používal(a) Europefly a vždy to byla bezproblémová a efektivní zkušenost. Plánuji pokračovat v používání této platformy pro budoucí rezervace.



Byla jsem spokojená s výsledkem mého vyhledávání letu a našla jsem rozumnou cenu prostřednictvím této platformy. Pravidelně používám tuto stránku k rezervaci svých mezinárodních letů.