Přímé lety z Wrocław–Copernicus Airport

Existuje 64 destinací, kam se lze dostat přímo prostřednictvím plánovaného cestujícího letového provozu.
Wrocław–Copernicus Airport
1, Ekonomická
1, Ekonomická
Hledat lety

Destinace a přímé lety z Wrocław–Copernicus Airport (Wroclaw)

Strachowice (WRO) is the fourth largest airport in Poland and is based in Wroclaw. Nejvyšší počet denních odletů z Wrocław–Copernicus Airport je zaznamenán na trase do Warsaw Chopin Airport (WAW) s průměrem 5-6 letů každý den. Kromě toho mohou cestující zažít nejdelší dostupný let z Wrocław–Copernicus Airport na palubě letadla Airbus A321 do Lanzarote Airport (ACE), který trvá přibližně 5h 15m.

Oblíbené letecké společnosti odletající z Wrocław–Copernicus Airport

Časté cestovatelské programy nabízené několika leteckými společnostmi odletajícími z Wrocław–Copernicus Airport:
Wizz Air
LOT - Polish Airlines

Informace o letišti

Název letiště Wrocław–Copernicus Airport
IATA kód letiště WRO
Město Wroclaw
Země Poland (PL)
Úplná adresa Wrocław–Copernicus Airport
Zeměpisná šířka 51.104165
Zeměpisná délka 16.880933
Webová stránka Airport.wroclaw.pl
Zobrazit na mapě Google maps
Wrocław–Copernicus Airport
Wrocław–Copernicus Airport
Wrocław–Copernicus Airport
Wrocław–Copernicus Airport
Wrocław–Copernicus Airport
Wrocław–Copernicus Airport

Copernicus Airport Wroclaw

Copernicus Airport Wroclaw, Poland's fourth-largest airport and located 10 kilometers southwest from the city center, serves several airlines and provides convenient service.

Eurowings operates out of Terminal 1 at the airport. For up-to-date flight information on Eurowings flights, visit their website or contact them directly.

Booking a Eurowings Flight

In order to book a flight on Eurowings, first provide your travel dates and details. A customer service representative from Eurowings will then provide a quote and schedule.

Check-in for Your Eurowings Flight

In order to check-in for a Eurowings flight, simply visit your airport's check-in desk and provide your details. A customer service agent will assist with the check-in process and issue your boarding pass.

Cancelling Your Flight on Eurowings

To cancel your Eurowings flight, contact their customer service representative at Copernicus Airport Wroclaw Terminal 1. Explain why you wish to cancel and they will take care of everything for you.

Lost & Found

If your luggage goes missing on your Eurowings flight, don't hesitate to contact the airline's Lost & Found department immediately - they can assist with tracking down and returning them back home with you.

Transportation Options at Copernicus Airport Wroclaw

Reaching Copernicus Airport Wroclaw shouldn't be difficult with multiple transport options such as taxis, ridesharing and car rentals available from its terminal.

Best Ways to Get From Wroclaw?Copernicus Airport to Wroclaw Center?

There are multiple transportation options from Wroclaw Airport to the city center of Wroclaw; taxi, bus and ridesharing are the three most commonly chosen. Each option takes between 20-40 minutes depending on traffic conditions and final destination costing anywhere between 60-80 PLN depending on destination.

Taxis - To easily travel from the airport to the city center by taxi, book one online or contact one of the local companies. Prices can be high with minimum payments being 45 PLN (EUR10).

Bolt App - If you prefer not to take taxis, an alternative service similar to Uber in Wroclaw known as Bolt may offer better value than regular taxis: Bolt. This app allows users to book rides in advance with rates comparable to Uber rides at slightly discounted rates.

Bus - There are two bus lines connecting the airport with the city center: Nos. 106 and 206, running every 15-30 minutes from 5am until 11pm with tickets costing 3.40zl (1EUR).

Take the bus from Wroclaw airport to the city center - this will cost just EUR1! This journey should take around 40 minutes, with tickets available either at the terminal or from drivers themselves.

Train - Travelling between Wroclaw and other Polish cities by train is often the fastest and most efficient method. Wroclaw Glowny station is one of the largest train stations, offering frequent services from there to nearby locations.

Traveling by train will also save money when it comes to accommodation costs, since hotels in Wroclaw are significantly less costly than similar properties elsewhere in Poland - you might even find an inexpensive hotel right in the city centre!

Car Hire - When staying in a hotel or villa that provides car rental service, you can arrange to have the car picked up from the airport and delivered directly to your Wroclaw destination. Rental costs will depend upon car type; typically an SUV or large van could range between EUR50-150 in rental fees.

Private Transfer - For those who would rather avoid public transport and taxi services altogether, private transfers offer an ideal solution. When arriving at the airport you will be met by a friendly driver ready to transport you directly to your destination. Furthermore, extra services like pet and child seats can make your journey even more comfortable.

Your driver can assist with stowing any luggage or items that need to be put away quickly and conveniently before transporting you quickly and effortlessly to your desired location in Wroclaw! What better way to start off your stay!

Wroclaw?Copernicus Airport Amenities & Services

Wroclaw?The Copernicus Airport serves the city of Wroclaw and southwest Poland as one of its primary hubs, serving an average annual passenger volume of 2.5 Million passengers annually.

The airport serves both domestic and international flights from its single runway. There are two passenger terminals as well.

Eurowings is the sole airline providing service at Copernicus Airport and is part of Star Alliance with multiple destinations across Europe.

Passengers have two options for checking in: online through their Eurowings account or at self-service kiosks located in both Arrivals and Departures Halls. These kiosks are accessible 24/7 and allow passengers to check-in for flights, select seats, purchase luggage and make changes at anytime during their travels.

Travel Agencies - Need some extra assistance planning or organizing a car rental for your trip? Reach out to one of the travel agencies located at the airport - they are there to make your vacation as hassle-free as possible!

Luggage Storage & Lockers - If traveling with a large suitcase, inquire at your airport's baggage storage service prior to booking your flight.

Medical Services - If you experience injury or sickness while traveling through an airport, its first aid station offers first aid services.

Food & Beverages - At the airport you will find an extensive variety of food and beverages, as well as a pharmacy on Level 0.

Mobile Charging - Most areas of an airport offer charging points under seats, enabling travellers to power up on-the-go.

Často kladené otázky (FAQ)

Kolik je letišť poblíž Wroclaw?

Kolik je letišť poblíž Wroclaw? 

Jaké je nejlepší letiště pro odlet z Wroclaw?

Při odletu z Wroclaw bude nejoptimálnější volbou letiště Wrocław–Copernicus Airport (WRO) díky své výhodné poloze a dostupnosti.

Které letecké společnosti provozují lety z letiště Wrocław–Copernicus Airport?

Z letiště Wrocław–Copernicus Airport létá 12 leteckých společností, nejpopulárnější jsou: Ryanair, Wizz Air, Lufthansa, LOT - Polish Airlines, KL

Jaký je nejdelší let z letiště Wrocław–Copernicus Airport?

Pokud letíte z Wroclaw do Lanzarote Airport (ACE), strávíte ve vzduchu přibližně 5h 15m na palubě letadla Airbus A321. To je nejdelší doba, kterou strávíte ve vzduchu z letiště Wrocław–Copernicus Airport.

Jaký je IATA kód letiště Wrocław–Copernicus Airport?

Wrocław–Copernicus Airport používá IATA kód: WRO

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Mým preferovaným webem pro porovnávání nabídek letů je Europefly. Často jsou ceny dostupné na této platformě nižší než na webových stránkách leteckých společností.



Europefly je jednoduchý a uživatelsky přívětivý. Vřele doporučuji lidem, kteří chtějí navštívit své rodné město nebo objevovat různé země pro účely dovolené.



Ceny nabízené Europefly jsou výjimečně konkurenceschopné a poskytují další možnosti, které nejsou dostupné na mnoha jiných webových stránkách. Díky tomu jsem byla schopna ušetřit značnou část peněz.



Europefly poskytuje rychlou a efektivní službu, která nám umožňuje rychle porovnat ceny letů a snadno si zarezervovat lístky. Dostupnost letů je také zobrazena, což je velmi výhodné. Celkově je tato platforma užitečná a uživatelsky přívětivá.



Měla jsem vynikající zkušenost s používáním této platformy k nalezení nejlepšího letu, který nabízel perfektní vyvážení ceny a doby cestování. Stala se mým preferovaným webem pro hledání letenek.



V minulosti jsem používal(a) Europefly a vždy to byla bezproblémová a efektivní zkušenost. Plánuji pokračovat v používání této platformy pro budoucí rezervace.



Byla jsem spokojená s výsledkem mého vyhledávání letu a našla jsem rozumnou cenu prostřednictvím této platformy. Pravidelně používám tuto stránku k rezervaci svých mezinárodních letů.